Hop Horizons
Beer Information

Baltika: Nebskoye Svetloye
This Bohemian pilsner is/was brewed by Baltika in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It's achieved an overall score of 40.51%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 4.60%.
Tasting Information
Date and Time | Container | Pub/Place and Where | Strength ABV | Colour | Score Components | Score | Descriptive word(s) | Book No. |
21st Jun 2014 at 7:15 pm | bottle | (room 256 in Ermitage hotel), Moscow, Russia | 4.60 | light golden |
Taste: 82.35% Head: 66.67% Aroma: 48% Ease: 86.67% Clarity: 100% |
40.505% | light-spice | 535 |
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Other Beers (etc.) by Baltika
Apart from Nebskoye Svetloye, I've had 28 others by Baltika. These are: Arsenalnoye Taopin
Brew Collection - Russian Amber Ale
Cooler Light Lager
Dragon Rice Beer
Khlebniy Krai Tradicionniy Kvas
Killfish Discount Beer
Killfish Pshenichnoye
Killfish Temniy Ale
Kollektsiya Pivovara - Kaliforniyckoe Svetloye
No. 0 - Bezalkogolnoe (Non-Alcoholic)
No. 2 - Svetloe (Lager)
No. 3 - Klassicheskoye (Classic Blonde)
No. 4 - Originalnoe (Original Dark Lager)
No. 5 - Zolotoe (Gold)
No. 6 - Porter
No. 7 - Eksportnoe (Export/Premium)
No. 8 - Pshenichnoe (Wheat)
No. 9 - Krepkoye (Strong Lager)
Old Bobby Ale
Razlivnoye Nefiltrovannoye
Razlivnoye Premium
Venskoye - Kollecktsiya Pivovara
Weizen München
Žatecký Gus
Žatecký Gus Cerny
Zhigulevskoye Firmennoye Zhivoye
Zhigulevskoye Originalnoye