Hop Horizons
Beer Information

Archer's: County of Wiltshire
This bitter is/was brewed by Archer's in Swindon, Wiltshire, England. It's achieved an overall score of 32.22%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 4.20%.
Tasting Information
Date and Time | Container | Pub/Place and Where | Strength ABV | Colour | Score Components | Score | Descriptive word(s) | Book No. |
5th Mar 2003 at 9:50 pm | draft | The Ship and Mitre, Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 4.20 | medium-golden |
Taste: 82.35% Head: 66.67% Aroma: 40% Ease: 66.67% Clarity: 100% |
32.218% | smooth | 45 |
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Other Beers (etc.) by Archer's
Apart from County of Wiltshire, I've had 42 others by Archer's. These are: Blackjack Porter
Book Worm
Bouncing Bunnies
Caerfilly Castle
Crisp and Even
Crystal Clear
Cupid's Arrow
Dark Mild
Farmer's Boy
Ghost Train
Hagley Hall
Harvest Ale
Henry Oakley
Honey and Lemon
Hop Bouquet
Keene's Dublin Bay Bitter
King George V
Little Rascal
Lydham Manor
Mulcock's Real Lager
Pixie Juice
Poacher's Pint
Rite Spooky Brew
Sea Breeze
Seaside Special
Seasonal Greetings
Shooting Star
Slap 'n' Tickle
Spring Ale
Station Master's Tipple
Summer Ale
Swindon Strong Bitter (SSB)
The Great Bear
Tom Hoskin's Cat
Village Bitter
Wheat Ale
World Cup