Hop Horizons
Beer Information

Weird Beard: A World Without Dave
This milk stout is/was brewed by Weird Beard in London, Greater London, England. It's achieved an overall score of 64.85%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 5.00%.
Tasting Information
Date and Time | Container | Pub/Place and Where | Strength ABV | Colour | Score Components | Score | Descriptive word(s) | Book No. |
15th Jul 2016 at 10:25 pm | bottle | (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 5.00 | black |
Taste: 91.76% Head: 88.89% Aroma: 72% Ease: 84.44% Clarity: 90% |
64.845% | minty-hops | 655 |
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Other Beers (etc.) by Weird Beard
Apart from A World Without Dave, I've had 53 others by Weird Beard. These are: 7th Church of the Apocalyptic Lawnmower
Attack of the Ryeclops
Bearded Nurse (Tequila Barrel Aged) (w/ Electric Nurse)
Black Christmas
Black Perle
Boring Brown Beer
Boring Brown Beer (Ardbeg Barrel Aged)
Dark Hopfler
Dead by Dawn (w/ BrewDog)
Death Growl (w/ Solvay Society)
Decadence Stout
Dirrty Haands (w/ Haand Bryggeriet)
Don't Worry Bee Heavy
Double Perle
F@#k You I won't brew what you tell me (w/ Odyssey)
Faceless Spreadsheet Ninja
Five O'Clock Shadow
Habitual Offender (w/ Northern Monk)
Heaven and Hell (Batch 7 )
Hit the Lights
Hive Mind
Holy Hoppin' Hell!! (Batch 4)
Hops Maiden England
K*ntish Town Beard
Liquorice Tattoo
Little Things That Kill (Apollo, Sorachi Ace, Summit)
Little Things That Kill (Batch 5)
Little Things That Kill (Batch 7)
Little Things That Kill (Batch 8)
Little Things That Kill (Batch 9)
Little Things That Kill (Bravo, Saaz)
Lord Nelson (w/ Elusive)
Mariana Trench
Out of Office
Pig Smasher (w/ Against the Grain)
Rye Smile
Safe Stout
Safe Word
Sawa Sawa
Shark Biscuit
Single Hop Centennial
Something Something Barrel Aged
Something Something Dark Side
Sorachi Face Plant
Sour Rangers
You Taste Better When You Are Scared (w/ Marble and Bullfinch)