Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Lost and Grounded: Running with Sceptres

This Vienna lager is/was brewed by Lost and Grounded in Bristol, Somerset, England. It's achieved an overall score of 68.06%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 5.20%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
20th Sep 2016 at 7:15 pm draft The 23 Club / The Clove Hitch, Liverpool, Merseyside, England 5.20 medium-golden Taste: 88.24%
Head: 73.33%
Aroma: 68%
Ease: 75.56%
Clarity: 100%
68.063% tasty 665

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Other Beers (etc.) by Lost and Grounded

Apart from Running with Sceptres, I've had 10 others by Lost and Grounded. These are:
All the Cool Cats
Another Lost Tuesday (w/ Cloudwater)
Boogie Fever!
Hop-hand Fallacy
Keller Pils
No Rest for Dancers
Saison d'Avon
Spring Protagonist
Wanna Go to the Sun (Ekuanot and Citra)

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