Hop Horizons

Beer Information

The White Hag: The White Sow Oatmeal Chocolate Milk Stout

This oatmeal stout is/was brewed by The White Hag in Balllymote, County Sligo, Ireland. It's achieved an overall score of 59.02%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 5.20%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
10th Jun 2017 at 7:05 pm bottle (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 5.20 black Taste: 85.88%
Head: 62.22%
Aroma: 68%
Ease: 80%
Clarity: 80%
59.016% sweet-roast 701

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Other Beers (etc.) by The White Hag

Apart from The White Sow Oatmeal Chocolate Milk Stout, I've had 28 others by The White Hag. These are:
Atlantean New England IPA
Black Boar Bourbon Barrel Aged (2016)
Black Boar Bourbon Barrel Aged (2018)
Bran & Sceolan Irish IPA
Cauldron of Plenty Oatmeal Porter
Fionnabhair Irish Wit Beer
Fleadh Al
Gola Secca (w/ Brewfist)
Hag & Haand (w/ Haand Bryggeriet)
Hopstravaganza (2022)
Little Fawn Session IPA
Magic Mist Juicy Pale Ale
Niamh Chinn Oir Belgian Pale Ale
Ninth Wave New World Pale Ale
Phantom Hazy IPA
Róc Modern Pils Lager
Sadhbh Session Red Ale
Snakes & Scholars Irish Stout
Spree Series Mochaccino Stout
Talti Farmhouse Saison
The Black Pig
The Dark Druid Chocolate Coconut Pastry Stout
The Dark Druid Chocolate Orange Pastry Stout
The Dark Druid Salted Caramel Pastry Stout
The Púca Dry Hopped Lemon Sour
The Púca Dry Hopped Lemon Sour Berry Hibiscus & Ginger
The White Sow Nitro Coffee Milk Stout
Yule Christmas Ale (2021)

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