Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Wild Horse: Our Friends in the South (w/ Crafty Devil)

This New World IPA is/was brewed by Wild Horse in Llandudno, Conwy, Wales. It's achieved an overall score of 59.78%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 5.00%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
26th Sep 2019 at 10:40 pm draft Craft Taproom, Liverpool, Merseyside, England 5.00 light to medium golden and cloudy Taste: 94.12%
Head: 68.89%
Aroma: 60%
Ease: 77.78%
Clarity: 20%
59.779% candy-grapefruit 818

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Other Beers (etc.) by Wild Horse

Apart from Our Friends in the South (w/ Crafty Devil), I've had 41 others by Wild Horse. These are:
799 IPA
All Together
Black IPA (10 Barrel Series)
Boardwalk (w/ Black Cloak)
Buckskin Blonde
Dark Bay Porter
DDH Saison (10 Barrel Series)
Denali Single Hop Pale Ale (10 Barrel Series)
Dive Bomb
Double IPA (10 Barrel Series)
Dry-hopped American Wheat
Elements 11: Ruby Porter
Elements 15: Nectaron Pale Ale
Ffrwyth! (Pineapple and Grapefruit)
Ffrwyth! (Watermelon, Hibiscus and Lime)
Lemon Drop Saison (10 Barrel Series)
Magic Hour (w/ Cloudwater)
Mosaic Single Hop Pale Ale (10 Barrel Series)
Mr Mills' Circus
Munich Dunkel (10 Barrel Series)
Neon Highway
Noble Intentions Neu World Altbier
Off Season
Pale Ale: Amarillo Simcoe Mosaic
Pale Eureka! Cascade Centennial
Palomino Pale Ale
Pêl Êl
Quarry of Colour
Run for Cover
Scorched Earth (Simcoe and Cascade)
Statement of Youth
Summit Fever (w/ Brick)
The Serpent & the Worm
Tramcar IPA #4
Tudno Pils
Vermont ESB (10 Barrel Series)

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