Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Top Rope (England): Koko Kolada (w/ Fierce Beer)

This imperial porter is/was brewed by Top Rope (England) in Liverpool, Merseyside, England. It's achieved an overall score of 81.62%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 8.70%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
9th May 2020 at 9:30 pm bottle (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 8.70 black Taste: 100%
Head: 86.67%
Aroma: 92%
Ease: 84.44%
Clarity: 50%
81.621% exotic 839

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Other Beers (etc.) by Top Rope (England)

Apart from Koko Kolada (w/ Fierce Beer), Hop Horizons lists 45 others by Top Rope (England). These are:
8 Bit Pale
Ananas Paradise
Aw... Here it Gose
Aw... Here it Gose With Lime
Bash at the Beach (3.2% version)
Big Pop
Born to Lose (3.6% version)
Born to Lose (3.9% version)
Canadian Destroyer
Coast to Coast
Don't Go Breaking My Hart
Flying Saucer Ice Cream Pale Ale (Universal Champion) (for Black Cat)
Hog Wild (w/ Three Piggies)
Hurricane Party
I-Scream Pale: Gingerbread Ice Cream Pale Ale
I-Scream Pale: Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream Pale Ale
I-Scream Pale: Vanilla Ice Cream Pale Ale
Iron Horse
Koko Kolada (w/ Fierce Beer) (aged 10 years)
Lager Than Life
Line in the Sand
Megasours: Hulk
New Haze Outlaws
No Bird's Were Harmed (w/ Tom's Tap)
One Winged Angel
OverKill IPA
Paradise Alley
Pink Boots are Made for Drinking
Pog Form: Chinook
Pog Form: Simcoe
Pretty Green Eyes
Raz Beret
Ronnie Wood?
Rowdy Roddy Porter
Ryecentennial Brown Ale
Ryecentennial Revenge
Sacred Shandy
The Upside Dank
Too Sweet
Tripel H (IIX Edition)
Turnbuckle Bitter

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