Hop Horizons

Beer Information

North Brewing Co.: Into the Merzbau

This New England IPA (specifically HBC 692 (Talus) New Engljand IPA) is/was brewed by North Brewing Co. in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. It's achieved an overall score of 69.3%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 7.00%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
31st Oct 2020 at 7:40 pm can (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 7.00 light to medium golden and cloudy Taste: 92.94%
Head: 75.56%
Aroma: 76%
Ease: 71.11%
Clarity: 20%
69.297% juicy-fruit 859

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Other Beers (etc.) by North Brewing Co.

Apart from Into the Merzbau, I've had 61 others by North Brewing Co.. These are:
Abstract Lens (w/ Alpha Delta)
Another World
Dazed and Awake
DDH (w/ ParrotDog)
Distant Call
Doppelbock (w/ Thornbridge)
Double IPA (w/ Uiltje)
Double IPA (w/ Verdant)
Dream Cycle
Earthly Delights
Field Recordings
From Leeds with Love (w/ Kirkstall, Northern Monk and Zapato)
Fruited IPA + Strawberry + Cherry (w/ Makemake)
Full Fathom 5
Future Skies (w/ Full Circle)
Globe Earth
Green Curve
Hazy IPA (w/ Hoppy People and Probier)
Hazy IPA (w/ Ziemia Obiecana)
Holi Bebe (for El Fakin Project)
Honeyberry Stout (w/ Brick Brewery)
Imperial Stout Cacao + Peanut + Banana (w/ Neon Raptor)
Imperial Stout Vanilla + Long Pepper (w/ Pühaste)
Inherited Silver
Invisible Cities
Light User Syndrome
Line of Aquarius
Lost Cosmonauts
Muscat IPA (w/ Noita Winery)
Open Space
Other Eyes
Paradise Yorkshire Gold (for Beer52)
Paria (2024)
Paria (version 4)
Paria (version 5)
Pineapple + Coconut Lassi Sour (w/ Bundobust)
Salted Lime Sour (w/ Bundobust)
Session IPA (North Running Club)
Sicilian Lemon Gose (w/ Anthology Brewing)
Sour IPA (w/ Vessel)
Sparkling Ale (w/ Fuller's)
Spiced Sour + Plum + Blackberry + Apple
Springwell Pils
Storm Shift Cowboy
Storms Shift Cowboy
Summer Piñata
Transmission India Pale Ale
Triple Fruited Gose + Blueberry + Blackberry + Redcurrant
Triple Fruited X Rise Up (w/ Naparbier)
Tunnels of LA
Ultra Phase
Volta Blood Orange + Rhubarb Sour

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