Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Siren: Bubbling Bubbles

This New World IPA (specifically Kir Royale IPA) is/was brewed by Siren in Finchamstead, Berkshire, England. It's achieved an overall score of 51.9%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 6.10%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
12th Oct 2021 at 7:50 pm can (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 6.10 medium-red Taste: 85.88%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 52%
Ease: 82.22%
Clarity: 100%
51.898% blackberry-juice 890

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Other Beers (etc.) by Siren

Apart from Bubbling Bubbles, I've had 189 others by Siren. These are:
10 Finger Discount (w/ To Øl)
10 Toe Discount (w/ To Øl)
7 Seas IPA
Accept All Cookies (w/ Slim Pickens)
Acid Jam
Activate Deadline Mode
Agua de Sapo
All Bretts Are Off (w/ Crooked Stave)
American Oak Brown
Amigos Britanicos
Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere
Barrel Aged Broken Dream (Jim Beam Barrels)
Barrel Aged Caribbean Chocolate Cake (w/ Cigar City) (2019)
Be Even More Pacific
Big Red Machine
Birthday Bourbon (w/ Salt)
Blacklight Banana
Blue Sky Blue Sea (w/ Surly)
Body Language (w/ Peninsula)
Bones of a Sailor Part III
Bourbon Milkshake
Bourbon Turkish (Project Barista)
Breakfast Shake (Project Barista)
Broken Dream
Brut Romance
Buried Shadow (w/ Burnt Mill)
Cacao & Hazelnut Broken Dream
Cali Power Smoothie (w/ Humble Sea)
Calypso Berliner Weisse (Amarillo - green top)
Calypso Berliner Weisse (Mosaic - batch 377)
Calypso Berliner Weisse (Simcoe & Cascade - batch 577)
Calypso Berliner Weisse Dry Hopped Sour
Candour (w/ Cycle Brewing)
Caribbean Chocolate Cake Chocolate Orange Tiramisu (2024)
Caribbean Chocolate Cake Rocky Road Brownie (w/ Vault City) (2024)
Caribbean Chocolate Cake (w/ Cigar City) (2018)
Caribbean Chocolate Cake (w/ Cigar City) (2019)
Caribbean Chocolate Christmas Cake
Caribbean Chocolate Cupcake
Caribbean Chocolate Mole Cake
Caribbean Chocolate Pancake Stack
Caribbean Salted Cherry Chocolate Cake
Caribbean White Chocolate Cake (w/ Cigar City)
Caribbean White Chocolate Pancake Stack (w/ Cigar City)
Castilian Lemon Cheesecake
Cherry Negroni Sour
Christmas in Cali
Comfortable Silence
Cool It
Crunchy Town (w/ White Hag)
Crystal Cove
Curiosity (w/ Garage Project)
DDH Calypso
Dealer's Choice (w/ Stoneface)
Death By C.C.C.
Death by Caribbean Chocolate Cake (w/ Cigar City)
Death By Caribbean Chocolate Cake 2021
Dinner for Four
Dios de la Guerra (w/ Naparbier)
Dippy and the Equinox
Divisible Invisible (w/ Arbor)
Don't Hold Back
Double Double (Project Barista)
Draugen (w/ Dugges)
Empress Stout
Equilibrium (w/ Sante Adairius)
Escape Artist
Every Minute Matters (w/ Green Cheek Beer Co.)
Far Above the Moon
Feed the Fire (w/ Collective Arts)
Flower of the Nation (for Maha Nine)
Funkier Feet
Glowing Embers
Good Vibes Only (for Beer52)
Guava Script (w/ Van Moll)
Hard Pour Broken Dream
Haunted Dream
Haunted House
High Flyer Stout (for Black Kite)
Hillbilly Wine
Home from Home (w/ Reuben's Brews)
Hop Candy
How the Turntables
I Need A Vacation
Instant Crush
Irish (Project Barista)
Just Like Paradise
Life Aquatic (w/ Polly's Brew)
Limoncello IPA
Liquid Mistress
Liquid Monstrous
Long Forgotten Journey
Love of Work (w/ Hillstead Farm Brewery)
Maiden 2013
Maiden 2018
Marshmallow Mountain
Middle Finger Discount (w/ To Øl)
Miracle on Marshmallow Mountain
Mum's the Word (w/ Arizona Wilderness)
Mythic Harmony (w/ Fuller's)
Näcken (w/ Omnipello and Rick Gordon Lindqvist)
Neither Imperial IPA
Neo Normal
Nitro Caribbean Chocolate Cake
Nitro Caribbean Chocolate Cake (aged 7 years)
Oat Couture
Oat on Oats (w/ Kings & Daughters)
Oats on Oats on Oats (w/ Kings & Daughters)
Odyssey 001
Off Beat
Orange Boom (4% version)
Panda Goes West (for Wild West)
Paper, Rock, Scissors (w/ Northern Monk)
Pastel Pils
Peaches Everyday
Pick Me Up (w/ Casita)
Pompelmocello IPA
Practical Magic
Primal Cut
Proteus - Vol.1 Version 1 - Motueka, Amarillo & Citra
Proteus - Vol.2 (Apollo, Bravo & Simcoe)
Proteus - Vol.2 Version 1 - Mosaic, Chinook & Cascade
Quadrophenia (w/ Jackie O's)
Rainbow IPA
Red Berry Rhapsody
Ristretto Negroni (Project Barista)
Ruby Tuesday (w/ Brew By Numbers)
Rule of Thirds IPA (w/ Magic Rock and Beavertown)
Ryesing Tides IPA
Scene Stealer
Scissors, Paper, Rock (w/ Northern Monk)
Shattered Dream
Smart Casual
Sneaky Zebras
Soft Focus (w/ Buxton)
Sold My Soul for Mosaic
Soundwave IPA
Spinning in Infinity
Squeezie: Fruit Punch
Squeezie: Guava
Squiggle Wiggle
Summer Citra Party
Summer Encore
Surrounded by the Sound
Suspended in Alora
Suspended in Azacca
Suspended in Mandarina
Suspended in Mistletoe
Suspended in Pop
Suspended in Vermont
Ten Dollar Shake
The Bonnie Situation
The Sky Was Pink (w/ Deya)
The Tickle Monster (w/ To Øl)
Thought Bubble
Thousand Things IPA
Through the Hourglass
Through the Hourglass (aged 8 years)
Time Hops: Cascade
Time Hops: Centennial
Time Hops: Citra Mosaic
Time Hops: Simcoe
Translucid IPA (w/ Magic Rock)
Trickster (w/ Buxton)
Uncle Zester (w/ B. Nektar)
Vanilla Weisse
Vermont Tea Party
Wandering Lines
When the Light Gose Out (w/ Stillwater)
Whiskey Sour
White Tips
Wilde Geest (w/ Wiper and True)
Your Codename Is…
Yu Lu Loose Leaf Pale Ale
Zig Zag (w/ Adnams)

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