Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Twisted Wheel: Space Hopper

This New England IPA (specifically Citra New England IPA) is/was brewed by Twisted Wheel in Sandish, Greater Manchester, England. It's achieved an overall score of 70.04%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 7.50%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
27th Nov 2021 at 8:30 pm can (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 7.50 light to medium golden and cloudy Taste: 92.94%
Head: 75.56%
Aroma: 68%
Ease: 77.78%
Clarity: 10%
70.038% pineapple 895

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Other Beers (etc.) by Twisted Wheel

Apart from Space Hopper, I've had 65 others by Twisted Wheel. These are:
88 Miles Per Hour
A Passionate Affair (w/ BrewDog Outpost Manchester)
All Mod Cons
Banoffee Pie
Bittersweet Symphony
Boulevard of Broken Dreams (w/ Farmyard Ales)
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Call It Something Nice (w/ Love Lane)
Cherry Bomb
Clouds Across the Moon
Cosmic Haze
Crystal Visions
Distant Echo
Echo in the Canyon
Fighting Back the Titans (F**k Cancer Beer Project) (w/ Tartarus Beers)
Friday on My Mind
Have a Nice Day
Here Come the Nice
Here, There & Everywhere
Hoodoo Voodoo (Citra, Galaxy)
Hoodoo Voodoo (Citra, Mosaic)
Hymn for the Weekend
I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet
I'll Even Kiss the Sunset Pig
I'm Actually Mortified By It
I'm Sorry, Did I Roll My Eyes Out Loud?
In Space No One Can Hear You in Space
In the Summertime
Interstellar Overdrive
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Kick Down
Laugh It Up, Fuzzball
Let the Good Times Roll
Life Finds a Way
Loud in the Crowd
Made to Make Your Mouth Water
Make Mine a Double
Moral Panic
Northern Downpour
Over, Under, Sideways, Down
Paint It Black
Paper Flowers
Purple Haze
Run Run Run As Fast As You Can
Sgt Peppermint (w/ Love Lane)
Soul City NEIPA
Speed Wobble
Sub Culture
Suede Head
Sunday Sessions
Supersonic Rocketship
Technicolour Beat
That's Amore
This Time Next Year
Thrive to Survive
Too Many Friends
Tucker's Palette
Walking the Dog
Wouldn't It Be Nice
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow (fw/ Tartarus Beers)
You Cannot Be Serious (w/ Varvar)

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