Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Sonnet 43 / S43: Happy Little Accidents

This New World IPA is/was brewed by Sonnet 43 / S43 in Durham, Country Durham, England. It's achieved an overall score of 68.73%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 6.80%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
22nd Dec 2021 at 8:35 pm can (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 6.80 light to medium golden and cloudy Taste: 91.76%
Head: 88.89%
Aroma: 72%
Ease: 71.11%
Clarity: 0%
68.725% dank-fruit 898

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Other Beers (etc.) by Sonnet 43 / S43

Apart from Happy Little Accidents, I've had 95 others by Sonnet 43 / S43. These are:
100 Minute Hour
1202 2021 (Palindrome Series)
Alaskan Mind Control
Aliens Exist
All Roads Lead to Nowhere (w/ Merakai Brewing Co.)
Aquatic Sewing Machine
Atlantic Nights (w/ Bin Day Brewing Co.)
Auld Lang Zealand
Bantha Blood
Big Battenberg
Big Juice
Blonde Beer
Brown Ale
Brown Paper Bag
Cherry Bakewell Pastry Sour
Crimble Crumble
Dank Money
Dank Moolah
Diamond Hands (w/ Vaux)
Durst Crusher
Emails from the Illuminati
Eton Mess
Fastest Hunk of Junk in the Galaxy
Freshly Squeezed
Goldilocks Zone
Hazy Beast
Hazy River
Holographic Whale
Honey I'm Comb!
How Do You Do, Fellow Kids
Imperial Caramel & Hazelnut Pastry Stout
Imperial Coconut Snowball Pastry Stout
Imperial Strawberry Cream Pastry Stout
Imperial Toffee Pastry Stout
Juicier Cannon
Left on read
Lil' Juice
Low Hanging Fruit
Mai the Bock Be With You (w/ Full Circle)
Maris the Dank Engine
Maris the Dank Engine #2
Monchito Milkshake
Mr Sipling
Mythical Beast Bandwagon (w/ Tartarus)
Oh Yeah
Our Lawyers Made Us Change the Name of This Beer So We Don't Get Sued (w/ Phantom)
Pacific Days (w/ Bin Day Brewing Co.)
Pineapple Mango Daiquiri Sour
Pineapple Upside Down Milkshake IPA
Pink Chimneys
Pinkies Out
Pretzels on My Mind
Pumpkin Pumpkin Lure of the Dark Side
Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Imperial (w/ Brew York)
Red Next to Yella, Cuddly Fella!
Revenge of the Pith
Sasquatch Syrup
Sentient Robot Cars
Skeleton Crew
Taco Cat (Palindrome Series)
The Beast
The Big Show (w/ Vault City)
The Drake Equation
This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Trippin' on Azacca
Trippin' on Citra
Trippin' on El Dorado
Tropic Thunder
Upper Hutt
Was It a Car or a Cat I Saw (Palindrome Series)
Waste of Space
Where's My Cereal Bar?
Windowsill of Conspiracy
Yellow Cab (w/ Rogue)
You've been Mango'd

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