Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Rooster's: Drunken Duck (4.3% version)

This bitter is/was brewed by Rooster's in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England. It's achieved an overall score of 43.62%. Based on 2 tastings, the average ABV is 4.30%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
6th Jan 2004 at 8:35 pm draft Liverpool Brewing Company, Liverpool, Merseyside, England 4.30 medium-golden Taste: 94.12%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 80%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
47.860% summery 84
28th Feb 2004 at 7:25 pm draft The Ship and Mitre, Liverpool, Merseyside, England 4.30 light to medium golden Taste: 82.35%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
39.378% grapes 90

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Other Beers (etc.) by Rooster's

Apart from Drunken Duck (4.3% version), Hop Horizons lists 60 others by Rooster's. These are:
All Star
Angry Yank IPA
Apres Ski
Astro Galaxy Pale Ale
Baby-Faced Assassin
Celtic Corker
China Farm
Crystal Maze
Drunken Duck (4% version)
Dry Hopped Yankee
Echo Chamber
Farmhouse Ale
Fort Smith
GCB (Good Cheer Beer)
GI Jayne
Gray Stone
High Tea
Howl Black Forest Gateau Edition
I'm Dreaming of a Wheat Christmas
International Orange
Jasmine IPA
Lava Java
Mocha Stout
Napoleon Complex
Outlaw Boneshaker
Outlaw Hoptastic
Outlaw Indigo Spectrum
Outlaw Jack Bitter
Outlaw Jerry
Outlaw June Buggy
Outlaw Man o' Green
Outlaw Mayflower
Outlaw Outrider
Outlaw Ship and Mitre
Outlaw Stars & Stripes
Outlaw Wrangler
Punch Drunk
Roots. Rock. Reggae.
Saint Robert
Silver Lining
Spearmint Mild
Stars & Stripes
Test Brew
Three French Hens
Twenty Four Seven
Wild Mule
YPA (Yorkshire Pale Ale)

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