Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Wylam: Plot Twist

This New World pale ale (specifically Strata Amarillo pale ale) is/was brewed by Wylam in Heddon On The Wall, Northumberland, England. It's achieved an overall score of 61.56%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 4.30%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
27th Feb 2023 at 9:20 pm can (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 4.30 light to medium orange and cloudy Taste: 94.12%
Head: 80%
Aroma: 80%
Ease: 82.22%
Clarity: 0%
61.557% tropical 939

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Other Beers (etc.) by Wylam

Apart from Plot Twist, I've had 52 others by Wylam. These are:
Admiral Lord Collingwood Ale
Attracting Human (w/ Track Brewing)
Betty the Bat
Bliss 332K
Blow Out IPA
Bróðirblóð (w/ Northern Monk)
Club of Slaughters
Double Jakehead
El Topo
El Topo (aged 7 years)
Feasting with Panthers
Flannel Hammer
Greenbutt Skunk
Gyle M
Hickey the Rake
Imperial Macchiato
In Every Dream Home a Heartache (w/ Dry & Bitter, North Brewing &Track Brewing)
Jakehead IPA
Little Fluffy Clouds (w/ Mad Hatter)
Morello Cherry Porter
My Pal
Nomi Sorachi
Open (2) Persuasion (w/ Track Brewing)
Open to Persuasion (w/ Track Brewing)
Pieces of What
Pleasures in the Darkness (w/ Hawkshead)
Reality Asylum
Reflections in the Present (w/ Forest & Main)
Remain in Light
Room 237
Scenarios for Disruption
Significant Drifting
Slack Jaw IPA
Sleepwalking into Dystopia
Solar Terminator Pils
Sour Puss (w/ Mad Hatter)
Splatter Berry
The Man Behind the Door
Transatlantic Krush
Twice in a Blue Moon
Worlds Collide (w/ Cloudwater)
WxY4 (w/ Yeastie Boys)

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