Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Sacrilège: Loomi

This sour beer (specifically Dred black lime sour) is/was brewed by Sacrilège in Montpellier, Occitanie, France. It's achieved an overall score of 47.17%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 4.60%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
16th Aug 2023 at 6:00 pm draft Koht, Tallinn, Estonia 4.60 yellow Taste: 78.82%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 56%
Ease: 73.33%
Clarity: 100%
47.172% wine 957

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Other Beers (etc.) by Sacrilège

Apart from Loomi, I've had no others by Sacrilège.

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