Hop Horizons
Beer Information

De Moersleutel: Could You Calculate the Kinetics
This New England IPA (specifically Simcoe Eclipse Citra New England IPA with spelt) is/was brewed by De Moersleutel in Alkmaar, North Holland, Netherlands. This one is currently on deck amongst my huge collection of beers yet to have over the coming weeks, months and years.
Tasting Information
I'll let you know once I've had it :)
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Other Beers (etc.) by De Moersleutel
Apart from Could You Calculate the Kinetics, I've had 20 others by De Moersleutel. These are: Antifreeze
Aztec Hot Chocolate
Bean Butcher
Bumps Ahead
Calamansi Passionfruit & Vanilla Ice Cream
Could You Calculate the Vibration
Daily Grind Batch #1
Double Roast Brandmeester’s Lintong Sumatra
Earth (8 Years Celebration)
Envy (7 Years Series)
Give or Take (w/ Frontaal)
Give or Take (w/ Frontaal) (aged 10 years)
Gluttony (7 Years Series)
Greed (7 Years Series)
Lust (7 Years Series)
Pride (7 Years Series)
Sloth (7 Years Series)
Wanna Taste My Nordic Star?
Willy Tonka 4
Wrath (7 Years Series)