Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Singapore Brewery: Tiger Lager Beer

This European pale lager is/was brewed by Singapore Brewery in Singapore, Singapore. It's achieved an overall score of 29.66%. Based on 9 tastings, the average ABV is 5.00%.

Images of This Beer in My Logbooks

(My apologies if there are any data issues resulting in incorrect page images. Please let me know if you find something wrong.)

In Book 20 on page 0:

In Book 64 on page 19:

In Book 110 on page 12:

In Book 133 on page 23:

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
6th Apr 2002 at 7:50 pm bottle (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 5.00 light golden Taste: 70.59%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
24.787% rice 18
23rd Nov 2002 at 8:45 pm bottle (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 5.00 light golden Taste: 70.59%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 88.89%
Clarity: 100%
26.550% crystal 36
7th May 2003 at 5:10 pm bottle (home - yard), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 5.00 light golden Taste: 94.12%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
37.852% refreshing 51
1st Oct 2003 at 10:10 pm bottle (home - yard), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 5.00 light golden Taste: 70.59%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
23.498% grrr! 66
26th Jan 2005 at 8:45 pm bottle (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England 5.00 light golden Taste: 82.35%
Head: 88.89%
Aroma: 80%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
43.903% malty 125
2nd Apr 2005 at 3:30 pm draft Samba Bar (Kuala Lumpur airport), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 5.00 light golden Taste: 70.59%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
20.304% refreshing 135
8th Sep 2007 at 10:50 am can (on the plane from Manchester to Singapore), Kuala Lumpur, N/A 5.00 light golden Taste: 82.35%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 77.78%
Clarity: 100%
30.392% refreshing 221
17th Sep 2007 at 1:20 pm draft The Long Bar, Brussels, Belgium 5.00 light golden Taste: 70.59%
Head: 77.78%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
24.688% musty-hops 225
20th Sep 2007 at 12:45 pm bottle Teo Seng Teochew, Singapore, Singapore 5.00 light golden Taste: 82.35%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 88.89%
Clarity: 100%
34.990% cool 226

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Other Beers (etc.) by Singapore Brewery

Apart from Tiger Lager Beer, I've had 4 others by Singapore Brewery. These are:
ABC Extra Stout
ABC Extra Stout Ginseng
Baron's Extra Strong Brew
Baron's Strong Brew

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