Hop Horizons
Beer Information

York: Blonde
This traditional pale ale is/was brewed by York in York, North Yorkshire, England. It's achieved an overall score of 29.07%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 3.90%.
Tasting Information
Date and Time | Container | Pub/Place and Where | Strength ABV | Colour | Score Components | Score | Descriptive word(s) | Book No. |
25th Aug 2010 at 7:45 pm | draft | The Ship and Mitre, Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 3.90 | medium-golden |
Taste: 70.59% Head: 66.67% Aroma: 60% Ease: 66.67% Clarity: 100% |
29.068% | lemon-juice | 357 |
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Other Beers (etc.) by York
Apart from Blonde, Hop Horizons lists 19 others by York. These are: Brideshead Bitter
Bunny Hop
Centurion's Ghost Ale
Dark Knight
English Pride
March Madness
Mount Gold
Nippy Nights
Swing Low
Winter Wobbler
Wonkey Donkey
York Gold
York Minster Ale
Yorkshire Terrier