Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Allgates: All Black

This dark mild is/was brewed by Allgates in Wigan, Greater Manchester, England. It's achieved an overall score of 41.01%. Based on 2 tastings, the average ABV is 3.60%.

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
5th May 2011 at 5:35 pm draft The Anvil, Wigan, Greater Manchester, England 3.60 dark Taste: 76.47%
Head: 77.78%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 100%
37.781% semi-smoky 387
30th Aug 2012 at 9:50 pm draft The Ship and Mitre, Liverpool, Merseyside, England 3.60 black with red tinge Taste: 88.24%
Head: 62.22%
Aroma: 52%
Ease: 84.44%
Clarity: 100%
44.233% sour-apples 446

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Other Beers (etc.) by Allgates

Apart from All Black, Hop Horizons lists 20 others by Allgates. These are:
4 Holidays and a Wedding
Beverly Hills Hop
Blue Sky Tea Pale
Bright Blade
Double Chocolate Stout
Dry Bones
Golden Aeld
Mild At Heart
Napoleon's Retreat
Planet of the Hops
Summer Gold
The Matrix
The Pursuit of Hoppiness
WMD (Weapon of Mash Destruction) Dark Ruby Ale

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