Hop Horizons

Beer Information

Van Steenberge: Augustijn Blond (8% version)

This tripel is/was brewed by Van Steenberge in Ertvelde, Belgium. It's achieved an overall score of 57.87%. Based on 3 tastings, the average ABV is 8.00%.

Images of This Beer in the Logbooks

(My apologies if there are any data issues resulting in incorrect page images. Please let me know if you find something wrong.)

In Book 21 on page 155:

In Book 28 on page 33:

In Book 33 on page 67:

In Book 34 on page 29:

Tasting Information

Date and Time Container Pub/Place and Where Strength ABV Colour Score Components Score Descriptive word(s) Book No.
1st Jun 2002 at 6:50 pm bottle (room 244 in Le George V hotel), Calais, France 8.00 light golden and cloudy Taste: 70.59%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 40%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 0%
47.729% disappointing 21
24th Jul 2002 at 9:45 pm bottle The Ship and Mitre, Liverpool, Merseyside, England 8.00 medium golden and cloudy Taste: 82.35%
Head: 66.67%
Aroma: 80%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 0%
63.740% strong 28
1st Nov 2002 at 9:15 pm bottle The Ship and Mitre, Liverpool, Merseyside, England 8.00 light golden Taste: 82.35%
Head: 88.89%
Aroma: 80%
Ease: 66.67%
Clarity: 0%
62.139% semi-fruity 35

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Other Beers (etc.) by Van Steenberge

Apart from Augustijn Blond (8% version), Hop Horizons lists 54 others by Van Steenberge. These are:
Abdij Keizersberg Tripel
Abdij van Roosenberg
Abdij van Roosenberg Blond
Abdij van Roosenberg Dubbel
Atomium Premium Grand Cru
Augustijn Blond / St. Stefanus Blonde
Augustijn Blond / St. Stefanus Blonde (aged 5 years)
Augustijn Donker
Augustijn Grand Cru
Augustijn Grand Cru (aged 7 years)
Baptist Wit-Blanche
Bios Vlaamse Bourgogne
Bière du Boucanier Blonde
Bière du Boucanier Dark Ale
Bière du Boucanier Red Ale
Bornem Blond
Bornem Dubbel
Bornem Red
Bornem Tripel
Brussels Framboos
Brussels Kriek
Brussels Perzik
Celis Pale Bock
Celis White / St. Stefanus Blanche
Gentse Tripel
Gulden Draak
Gulden Draak (aged 7 years)
Gulden Draak 9000
Gulden Draak 9000 (aged 7 years)
Gulden Draak Imperial Stout 2018
Gulden Draak Imperial Stout 2021
Gulden Draak Vintage
Hopduvel Blondine
Hopduvel Brunette
Huisbier Planckste
Klokke Roeland
Leute Bokbier
Mamelokker (for Het Waterhuis)
Monk's Cafe Flemish Sour Red Ale
Piraat 9% Blonde
Piraat Amber
Piraat Amber (aged 7 yyears)
Sinpalsken Dubbel
Spitfire Oud Balegems
St. Adriaans Blond
Steenberge Pilsener
Tikka Gold
Wilson's Mild Stout
Yersekes Mosselbier

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