Hop Horizons
Beer Information

St. Austell: Trelauny
This bitter is/was brewed by St. Austell in St. Austell, Cornwall, England. It's achieved an overall score of 35.29%. Based on 1 tasting, the average ABV is 3.80%.
Tasting Information
Date and Time | Container | Pub/Place and Where | Strength ABV | Colour | Score Components | Score | Descriptive word(s) | Book No. |
18th Aug 2011 at 9:45 pm | draft | The Willow Bank, Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 3.80 | dark golden with a hint of orange |
Taste: 82.35% Head: 66.67% Aroma: 40% Ease: 66.67% Clarity: 100% |
35.286% | nutty | 405 |
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Other Beers (etc.) by St. Austell
Apart from Trelauny, I've had 20 others by St. Austell. These are: 6 Malt Cornish Stout (for Marks & Spencer)
Admiral's Ale
Big Job
Clouded Yellow
Cornish Best
Cornish IPA
Cornish Saison (for Marks and Spencer)
Coxswain's Special
HSD (Hicks Special Draught) (in bottle)
HSD (Hicks Special Draught) (on draught)
Mena Dhu
Nicholson's Pale Ale
Proper Black
Proper Job
Smuggler's Ale
Westcountry Abbey Ale