Hop Horizons

City/Town Information

Bad Radkersburg, Austria

This town or city is in Austria. In total, I've drunk 8 beers that are brewed there, from one brewery, while in 4 pubs or places. The average strength of beers brewed there has been 6.21% ABV. These have given the place a score of 65.3% based on beers brewed there.

Beers Had that are Brewed in Bad Radkersburg

Date and Time Brewery Beer Container Strength ABV Score Style or Substyle Where?
2nd Apr 2015 at 2:55 pm Bevog Baja Oatmeal Stout draft 5% 71.912% oatmeal stout Big Al's American Kitchen, Sitges, Spain
26th Apr 2015 at 8:35 pm Bevog Deetz Hoppy Kölsch bottle 4.8% 40.985% Kölsch (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England
30th Mar 2019 at 7:50 pm Bevog Gallink bottle 9.3% 82.982% black IPA (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England
17th Oct 2015 at 8:45 pm Bevog Kramah India Pale Ale bottle 7% 72.722% New World IPA (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England
2nd Jan 2016 at 8:20 pm Bevog Ond Smoked Porter bottle 6.3% 67.980% smoked ale (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England
17th Aug 2018 at 10:45 pm Bevog Punk Rock Holiday Bergamot Edition Mexican Lager can 4.4% 52.153% European pale lager (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England
23rd Jul 2018 at 4:05 pm Bevog Rudeen bottle 7.4% 73.584% black IPA (room 218 in Hotel Emonec), Ljubljana, Slovenia
26th Jul 2018 at 8:50 pm Bevog Tak can 5.5% 52.940% New World pale ale (room 7 in Logabola), Zagreb, Croatia

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