Hop Horizons

City/Town Information

Ieper, Belgium

This town or city is in Belgium. I've been there on 2 separate days, visited 8 pubs or places and had 13 beers from 7 different breweries, with an average strength of 6% ABV. These have given the place a score of 60.8% for overall beer quality.

In total, I've drunk 2 beers that are brewed there, from one brewery, while in only pub or place. The average strength of beers brewed there has been 6.35% ABV. These have given the place a score of 58.1% based on beers brewed there.

Beers Had While in Ieper

Date and Time Brewery Beer Container Strength ABV Score Style or Substyle Pub or Place
18th Nov 2001 at 9:30 pm Bockor Bellegems Bruin bottle 5.5% 62.399% Flanders-style oud bruin The Walker
18th Nov 2001 at 7:00 pm Bockor Pils draft 5% 34.510% Germanic pilsener De Trompet
18th Nov 2001 at 10:40 pm Dubuisson Bush Ambrée bottle 12% 82.927% quadrupel Tea Room
18th Nov 2001 at 3:25 pm Haacht Primus draft 5% 24.103% European pale lager Sultan
18th Nov 2001 at 4:00 pm Haacht Tongerlo 6 Dubbel Bruin bottle 6% 46.622% Belgian-style dark ale Sultan
18th Nov 2001 at 10:20 pm Haacht Witbier draft 4.8% 37.908% witbier Tea Room
19th Nov 2001 at 11:00 am Leroy Sas Pils draft 4.7% 23.292% Bohemian pilsner De Telegraaf
18th Nov 2001 at 7:50 pm Leroy Special Katja bottle 6% 52.510% Belgian-style pale ale De Kollebloem
18th Nov 2001 at 7:25 pm Leroy Yperman bottle 5.5% 47.196% Belgian-style pale ale De Kollebloem
18th Nov 2001 at 8:25 pm Palm Speciale draft 5% 42.639% Belgian-style pale ale Au Miroir
18th Nov 2001 at 8:55 pm Stella Artois Horse-Ale bottle 5% 45.427% Belgian-style pale ale T' Zweerd
19th Nov 2001 at 11:50 am Van Eecke Het Kapittel Watou Pater bottle 6% 63.779% Belgian-style dark ale De Telegraaf
19th Nov 2001 at 11:20 am Van Eecke Poperings Hommel Bier bottle 7.5% 51.593% Belgian-style IPA De Telegraaf

Beers Had that are Brewed in Ieper

Date and Time Brewery Beer Container Strength ABV Score Style or Substyle Where?
7th Oct 2017 at 8:20 pm de Kazematten Grotten Santé bottle 6.5% 62.339% Belgian-style pale ale (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England
28th Jan 2023 at 9:00 pm de Kazematten The Wipers Times 14 bottle 6.2% 64.577% Belgian-style pale ale (home), Liverpool, Merseyside, England

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