Hop Horizons

Pub Information

Bar Khamovniki (airport bar)

This pub is in Novosibirsk, Russia. I've visited it once and had 2 different beers there, with an average strength of 5.15. Based on the beers had there, it has achieved an overall score of 41.8%.

Beers Had in Bar Khamovniki (airport bar)

Date and Time Brewery Beer Container Strength ABV Score Style or Substyle
18th Jun 2014 at 6:35 am Moskovskaya Pivovarennaya Kompaniya Khamovniki Pilzenskoye draft 4.80 31.696% Bohemian pilsner
18th Jun 2014 at 6:50 am Moskovskaya Pivovarennaya Kompaniya Khamovniki Kegovoye draft 5.50 54.975% Vienna lager

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