Hop Horizons
Rate Beers of the World

Best Beers in the World and Customisable Lists
Use the customisable beer lists tool below to explore the world of craft beers. This lets you explore a library of more than 25,000 beers carefully recorded over two decades of tasting trips. The versatile listing system has the ability not only to list the top beers in the world, but the top pubs, countries, cities/towns to drink beer, and more. Create customised rankings that fit your interests by sorting by variables such rating, brewery location or beer style. You can gain insights, for example, into breweries you might find in particular places you plan to visit.
As one example, as you're interested in craft beer bars in Barcelona and want a list of them in descending order by how many different beers I had there, you'd select to list "Pubs", in the order of "Most different beers had". You might want to alter the minimum beers to enable inclusion (e.g. 1 to include them all), leave filter substring assumption on, and type something like "barce" into the "Filter city had in" filter box (or the full word if you want!). Hit the Show List button, and you'll get the list!