Hop Horizons
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Rate Beers of the World

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The Mission with Hop Horizons

Hop Horizons has come a long way so far in terms of development. We're now open to new users joining and contributing their beer experiences. It's our mission to continue developing this as a central hub for craft beer and real ale enthusiasts.

With the recent sad departure of ratebeer.com, we hope to fill that void and become to go-to place for beer information, reviews, and eventually the social aspects of beer drinking.

Please consider joining and be part of the craft beer community!

Our intentions for Hop Horizons...

My Personal Craft Beer Journey

We are father and son, Alan and Neil. Our fantastic journey into the diverse and delicious world of craft beers and real ales has spanned almost 24 years. Visiting real ale pubs together, we discovered the lively beer cultures of places like Amsterdam and Belgium, and our passion for different beer really took off after that.

For many years, we have diligently documented each craft beer we have tasted in logbooks, noting not only our ratings and evaluations but also the labels and fond memories associated with each one. Having spent over two decades years sampling beers from all across the world, these volumes attest to our commitment.

In the course of our shared craft beer adventure, we have sampled over twenty-five thousand different beers from every part of the world, including our native England. Because we both love finding and collecting the finest beers, we've amassed a liquid library of over 800 different beers. With the 1000th beer logbook on the horizon, Hop Horizons is a digital manifestation of our passion for sharing our experiences, thoughts and recommendations for craft beer with others.

Join us on this hoppy journey as we explore the history, tastes and artistry of craft beers from all across the world, including from England. No matter how much of a beer expert you are or how recently you've begun to branch out from mainstream lagers, the world of craft beer is constantly surprising and delighting.

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